I don’t understand what you expect/want those rows
attributes to be. Well, rows
I could guess at, but the “columns” need not be aligned but are instead specific to each row:
I like this general idea, but I don’t think it can/should be accomplished with a list of width values. ColumnPanel is pretty flexible, and you can have arrangements like this in a single column panel:
The corresponding col_widths is:
col_widths: '{"BJRZJD":20,"LLJGPW":40,"XSYMNL":45,"AVGIDH":15,"VVYMWP":40,"VJWCVE":20}'
I don’t really have a constructive suggestion, unfortunately. It strikes me as a hard problem to both have the drag-and-drop “just work” as flexibly as ColumnPanel d…
Helpful background on the design history:
The ColumnPanel is a hairy beast, with a complicated specification for its layout - and it’s not one we’re 100% happy with yet, so we haven’t documented how to make do it from code. This makes it the one piece of Anvil that we don’t (currently) support doing from code, only from the visual designer.
If you’re building a layout from code, we recommend you use the GridPanel component , which is much more comprehensible. (No nested columns - if you want to do nesting, put one GridPanel inside anoth…
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