Javascript Grid Demo: ag-Grid

I needed a grid with some other features so I played around with ag-Grid to try it out, and it looks like it will work better for my purposes than Tabulator.

The grouping and context menu features I needed require the enterprise edition.

In case anyone else finds it useful, here is a quick and dirty example:


I meant to include a screenshot:

@hasib I am getting following error.
NameError: Could not find global JS function 'anvil_setColumns'.

There is no anvil_setColumns function in app code.

that typically means there’s an error in the javascript. There’s a missing ) in the custom html

       onGridReady: function(event) { 
        //alert('The grid is now ready');
        colKey = gridOptions.columnApi.getColumn('variable_name');
        gridOptions.columnApi.autoSizeColumn(colKey, true);
    	grdOptions.api.forEachNode(function(node) {
          if (node.key === 'Pinned Variables') {
        } )// I am missing

Thanks @stucork.
Sorry @ehsensiraj Looks like when I stripped my code out to submit a simpler demo I missed things.
Do you have it working now?

@hasib noop. not yet

@ehsensiraj Okay, sorry. I’ll have to take a look later and I’ll provide a cleaner sample app.
Also, is there some particular feature you are looking for?

Original version had a couple bugs–try this one: agGrid_demo2