Internal server error: 96a6c05bd59a

I have just received the below error:

anvil.server.InternalError: Internal server error: 96a6c05bd59a
at /downlink/anvil/, line 404
called from /downlink/anvil/, line 40
called from /downlink/anvil/users/, line 45
called from ContractsModule, line 61

line 61 is creating a dict entry 'modified_by' : anvil.users.get_user(),

Any ideas would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Just received the following error on the same get user code.

InternalError: Internal server error: e4b331992dcd
at /downlink/anvil/, line 404
called from /downlink/anvil/, line 40
called from /downlink/anvil/users/, line 45
called from ContractsModule, line 119
called from /downlink/anvil/tables/, line 75
called from Supplier.SupplierMain.Contracts.RowTemplate1, line 73

Hi Rick,

Sorry for the unhelpful error message. Thatā€™s showing up as a transaction conflict in our internal logs - are you able to share more context of what youā€™re trying to do?

Thanks @brooke. That makes some sense. The server function is accessing a number of tables but the error keeps occuring on the get_user() line.

It is my first attempt at applying the @anvil.tables.in_transaction so I my be applying this incorrectly. I have followed this section of the docs.

Can you please provide best practice for applying the decorator to a server function that relies on other callable server functions also accessing the tables and how to call them ('') or from .foo import bar). At this stage I have only applied the decorator to this function.

You canā€™t nest transactions inside each other, but if you are only using @anvil.tables.in_transaction once, then thatā€™s probably not the problem.

Are you able to provide a minimal clone link that demonstrates the error? Are you always getting this error or only when there are multiple concurrent sessions?

You can useā€˜foo.barā€™) or from .foo import bar, they both should work fine, but the latter option will have less performance overhead.

Thanks @brooke. Unfortunately I found a work around and would have to roll some code back to get it. I will keep an eye out to see if it repeats but nothing so far.

If is also wrapped in the @anvil.server.callable and @anvil.tables.in_transaction decorators and is called from within another function with the same decorators, does this create a conflict error?

Iā€™m glad you havenā€™t seen the error again! But do let us know if it returns.

Nested transactions arenā€™t supported, so itā€™s best to make function calls to undecorated functions from within an @anvil.tables.in_transaction decorated server function.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Error - canā€™t download folder

Iā€™m getting the error ā€œInternal server error: fbf05bba3cccā€ while trying to do a stripe checkout. Can you please help?

from ._anvil_designer import Form1Template
from anvil import *
import anvil.server
import stripe.checkout

class Form1(Form1Template):

def init(self, **properties):
# Set Form properties and Data Bindings.
c = stripe.checkout.charge(currency=ā€œINRā€, amount=100)
except Exception as e:

Please create a new question.

No one will come and pay attention to this question. This has already been answered and has nothing to do with Stripe.