I believe using the “tag” property would help “name” a component. You can place your components into a list so you can iterate through them. You also place them into an Anvil container and iterate through them similarly (e.g., with self.column_panel.get_components())
In this case you could use a list to refer to images, if you create your images in code then:
self.images = [Image(source="Image") for image in range(10)]
self.images[0].source = "New Image source"
Or if you use the design template to create your images then you’ll have to write them by hand first…
self.images = [self.image0, self.image1, self.image2, ..., self.image9]
for image in self.images:
image.source = "Image"
Or…if you don’t fancy that
self.images = []
for component_name in dir(self):
if "image" in component_name:
self.images.append(getattr(self, component_name))
And if you have a different naming convention
self.images = []
for component_name in dir(self):
component = getattr(self, component_name)
if isinstance(component, Image):