How to format a datetime data binding

By default, the DatePicker is displayed in my localized format.
However, a text label with data bound from the database is displayed in the format YYYY-MM-DD, and not accordingly to my browser.

Is there a way to display this date in a localized format?

(Chatbeaverbot is such a great help for me, a big thank you! :smiley:
I rely on it so much, but in this case, it couldn’t assist me

My form, a date picker and a label bound to a column in the database:

The data binding:
Capture 2

Have a look through the custom component that does this conversion to see the technique used there and adapt it to your use case: Local Timezone Display in Data Grids


Try this (untested):

# add this import to the form

# use this in the databinding
self.item['added'].astimezone("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
1 Like

Many thanks you both for you answers.
Based on your replies, I went a step further and started a little localization mechanism:

Client side:
self.label_dateAdded.text = 'format_locale_datetime', self.item['added'] )

Server side:

def get_preferred_locale():
  country =  
  if country in ['Germany', 'Austria', 'Switzerland']:
    return 'DE'
  elif country in ['France', 'Belgium', 'Luxembourg']:
    return 'FR'
  elif country in ['Spain', 'Mexico', 'Argentina']:
    return 'ES'
  elif country in ['Italy']:
    return 'IT'
  elif country in ['Sweden']:
    return 'SV'
  elif country in ['Norway']:
    return 'NO'
  elif country in ['Greece']:
    return 'EL'
    return 'EN'

def format_locale_datetime(myDatetime):
  preferred_locale ='get_preferred_locale')

  if preferred_locale in ['FR', 'CA', 'BE', 'LU', 'CH_FR', 'ES', 'IT', 'EL']:
    return myDatetime.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
  elif preferred_locale in ['DE', 'CH', 'AT', 'NO']:
    return myDatetime.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M")
  elif preferred_locale in ['SV']:
    return myDatetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
  else:  # English by default
    return myDatetime.strftime("%b %d %Y %I:%M %p")

A couple of things to note about your solution.

  1. When you’re in a server function, don’t use to call another server function, that just adds overhead. Just call the server function like a normal function, e.g.:
def format_locale_datetime(myDatetime):
  preferred_locale = get_preferred_locale()
  1. The client context isn’t going to change for a user during a session, so you could make that get_preferred_locale call once on startup and cache the value in a client module, and then use client code for the strftime calls, avoiding the overhead of the frequent server calls.

As is, there’s going to be a delay each time you set the text for a datetime because of the server call.


Oh you’re right.

  1. fixed
  2. yes it’s useless to fetch locale things each time. Furthermore countries like Switzerland make it difficult, as there is not a single language.

I will rework it so that the user can choose his own locale settings in a parameter form.
If not set by the user, then use get_preferred_locale() and store it in my user table in database.

I noticed I also need to fix the date picker, and this will be very helpfull:

You can also use the browser to get the local format
This could work nicely in conjunction with @jshaffstall suggestion above

from anvil.js.window import Date

def get_locale_format(tz=None):
    d = Date(1999, 2, 17) # 1999-03-17
    s = d.toLocaleDateString(tz) if tz else d.toLocaleDateString()
    return s.replace("1999", "%Y").replace("99", "%y").replace("17", "%d").replace("03", "%m").replace("3", "%m")

get_locale_format() # your browser locale format
get_locale_format("en-US") # '%m/%d/%Y'
get_locale_format("en-GB") # '%d/%m/%Y'
get_locale_format("de-DE") # '%d.%m.%Y'

(yes javascript is 0 indexed for months :roll_eyes: )

It uses the magic date from the _strptime.LocaleTime implementation