How do I change the background CSS


I’ve been trying to change the background CSS as seen through colour scheme. But I’ve only managed to change some components.

Here is the code I’ve used:
Native Library

  function setThemeCss(css) {
    // Put the specified CSS into a <style> tag at the very end of <head>.
    $("<style id='custom-theme-css'></style>").text(css).appendTo($("head"))

Inside the program

from .. import colour_changer
colour_changer.set_theme({'Primary 500': '#4CAF50',
                             'Primary 700': '#388E3C',
                             'Secondary 500': '#FF9800',
                             'Secondary 700': '#F57C00'})

What values would I have to set in the set_theme function to edit the background and other components.

For more context here is the project clone

You might find this handy:

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Worked very well, thank you.