Group Chat App auto refresh on all users browser


I am trying to build a group chat app using repeating panels. Is there a way for repeating panel to auto refresh on each users browser? The data bindings currently works when I manually refresh the browser.

Here is a link to the app.

Appreciate any help.

I think the standard “anvil” way to do this is to poll your server using a Timer

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I wanted to avoid this option, funny that when I ask chatgpt(bing and regular) it tells me that if the items are binded they should update automatically on all user browsers. If only that were true and I am just missing something. Otherwise, yes will need to use the timer feature.

Thanks for the reply!

Of course!

Yeah, GPT isn’t always accurate.

Th other option to “publish” to all your clients would be to use a message broker.

Here is a post about it:

That seems a bit too complicated for me. Will need to review it further. Thanks for the help

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There should have been an example use case in the app I built. Admittedly, it’s been awhile since I’ve been it it, and I’m pretty sure the OpenAI library no longer works in Anvil. However, the example should give you an idea of how it could be used. Let me know if you need any help, and I’ll do my best to give it.


I think FireBase can get you what you want: Unofficial Anvil Firebase Integration v0.1🔥 - #5 by mark.breuss