

Hey Anvil Community! I’m Chad, someone who’s passionate about software engineering and its many applications. I’m currently focusing on automating business processes, primarily using Python and Anvil. I’ve also had the pleasure of building CRM solutions and web-based tools aimed at enhancing customer engagement.

I used to serve as the CTO at Cote Ag Technologies, where I had the opportunity to be a jack-of-all-trades in the tech world. While I’m no longer in that role, the experience has been priceless in shaping my multidisciplinary approach.

Beyond the keyboard and screen, I have a background in mechanical engineering, and—just to switch gears completely—I’ve also flown helicopters as a certified flight instructor. Whether you’re keen on discussing programming, finite element analysis, or the physics of helicopter flight, I’m all ears!

Thrilled to be a part of this community and can’t wait to dive into some compelling discussions!