Graphic_object Funnel chart not working

I want to build a funnel chart, like this (works fine in jupyter)

But it is not working. Can anybody help?

from plotly import graph_objects as go
y = ['Innovation', 'Kommunikation & Empowerment', 'Gesundheit und Sicherheit']
x = [2.29, 1.76, 4.72]
fig = go.Figure(go.Funnel(y=y, x = x, dy = 0, opacity = 0.75, width=1,  text = y, 
                          marker = {"color": ["#C901A1", "#007FBD",  "turquoise",], "line": {"width": False}},
                         connector = {"visible": False, }))
fig.update_layout( font_size=12, paper_bgcolor='White', plot_bgcolor='White', 
                 yaxis={'visible': False, 'showticklabels': False})
self.chart.figure = fig

The client side go.Figure implementation is incomplete
So there are two approaches that work well

  1. create the figure on the server and return it to the client

  2. avoid using go.Figure on the client, and adjust your code as follows:

y = ['Innovation', 'Kommunikation & Empowerment', 'Gesundheit und Sicherheit']
x = [2.29, 1.76, 4.72] = go.Funnel(y=y, x = x, dy = 0, opacity = 0.75, width=1,  text = y, 
                                marker = {"color": ["#C901A1", "#007FBD",  "turquoise",], "line": {"width": False}},
                                connector = {"visible": False, })
self.plot_1.layout = go.Layout(font_size=12, paper_bgcolor='White', plot_bgcolor='White', yaxis={'visible': False, 'showticklabels': False})

Thank you Stu, thats great - when I test it, it is fine.
When I put it in my app, I get a weird look: