Google calendar

Does anyone have an example of working with google calendar events? Or could give some advise on this. I find googles API documentation very confusing.

I’d like to create a booking system that creates an event in my calendar and invites the logged in google user as a guest to the event.

I’ve done a similar app already but the final outcome is sending an email confirming the time. I think it would be better to create a google event. I work with a school that uses the google suite.

Did you ever get anywhere with this? I’m thinking about doing something very similar.

Yes - I ended up writing a guest post recently where I used some integrations with google calender to create a Calendly style app

When I was playing with the google calendar integration I basically went to googles api reference docs e.g.

came up with some http requests and tested them in google’s ‘Try this API’ feature.
Then used anvil’s http request library to make the requests

e.g. to get the busy times in my calendar I would use google’s api reference above and adapt it to anvil

  url = ''
  response = anvil.http.request(url,
                                    'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token
                                data = {
                                        "timeMin": timeMin.isoformat(),
                                        "timeMax": timeMax.isoformat(),
                                        "items": [
                                            "id": user['email']
                                        "timeZone": user['timezone']

which is very similar to the example given in google references:
Screen Shot 2020-10-18 at 09.22.31

I also had to follow
to connect to google.

Requests were preceded by gaining an access token

  refresh_token = anvil.secrets.decrypt_with_key('token_key', user['refresh_token'])
  access_token  =

Having gained user permissions on the very first sign up:

# Client side
email =[''])
if email:'create_user')

# Server side
def create_user():
  refresh_token =
  token =
  email =

Excellent! Thank you kindly.

Stu this is very cool! I might be “borrowing” some of this… Thank You

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This is great. I really like what you did there!

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