Forms vs components vs items

@stucork hey Stuart,
Can you or even anyone else point me in the direction of a super basic introduction to the idea of the forms… ie which ones we can see vs which we can’t and why that is the case.

I’m struggling at the moment to understand the various terms around component vs forms. And why certain parts of a component (or is it certain components altogether?) Are editable in code whereas some seem only to be editable in ‘design’ mode.

Also an explanation of items / data binding and data table (vs repeatable rows)!


I’m extra dim I’m afraid…

We were all beginners once. (And we’re still all beginners at a lot of things!) And we all start from different places. One trick in teaching is to discover where each student is starting from. Then we can find appropriate starting points. Build suitable bridges.

You’ve listed a lot of material to cover! So don’t expect an answer all in one chunk.

Roughly, a Form is a two-dimensional space, that will be displayed in the end-user’s browser. This is where you can present your App’s visual aspect, for the end-user to see and “converse” with.

Roughly, a Component is a visual widget, like a label, an entry blank, or a pick list, that the end-user can see, and perhaps interact with. You build your visual presentation of your app out of these components, arranging them in that two-dimensional space.

Each kind of component has parameters, or properties, that can be adjusted. Those that appear in Design Mode can generally be set in Design Mode. These are initial settings. You can adjust many of them later, in code, if need be. But most of them, you can set and forget, so you don’t need any code, for those, at all.

One component, the Timer, is not actually displayed to the end-user, because users don’t interact with it. It is displayed in Design Mode, however, so that you can easily set its properties.

Some components, “containers”, are used to group or arrange other components. (Every Form, for example, is just such a container.) Some containers prefer to stack their “contained” components vertically. Others, horizontally. Several different strategies are available, depending on the type of container you choose. So, pick the container according to the strategy you want.

If you have an arrangement that you’d like to repeat, you might put it in its own Form. This lets you use it (and any logic you’ve put into it) as a building block in other Forms.

There’s no way to do justice to every term or idea in such a small space. So please continue here:

This has material for learners at all levels, especially including beginners.

I hope this gives you a good start!


That is incredibly helpful @p.colbert

Thank you very much indeed for your detailed response.

Much appreciated.