[Fixed] Trouble with Find / Replace in Anvil IDE in MS Edge

Has anyone else experienced trouble search / find function with the Anvil IDE?

Periodically the editor crashes and glitches when trying to use viewing it in Microsoft Edge. I end up unable to scroll or edit my code. It started less than a week ago (from May 31st 2023). Anyone else seen something like this?


I had something like that today, in Chrome. The editor’s Find panel (at top of editor) kept trying to scroll up out of sight. I closed my app, and reloaded the IDE. Haven’t tried IDE-based Find since.


Sounds like we are having the same bug occurring.

If the problem comes back, I’ll close down Chrome completely, and log in again.

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I came to a similar conclusion. Refreshing the page seemed to work for a bit but seems to be a temporary fix.

If this happens again could you see what errors are in the browser console? This will help us to see what’s going on.

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There seems to be a mild bug happening when I run my application and then go back to use the find / replace function even after stopping the running application which just doesn’t let me open the find / replace.

I can’t seem to figure out what action cause the major bug resulting in scroll locking and requiring refresh of the page described in the OP.

Neither bug seems to throw any errors in the browser console.

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A screen recording would also be helpful. Anything to help us reproduce the issue you’re seeing.

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I can’t figure out how to record video at the moment, but here’s a screen capture showing it behaving oddly:

There’s that X below the text box that makes the search panel wider (when the box is not empty).


I see the same weird positioning of the x when this happens to me.

I hope this helps. The error happened again, this is what I was able to pull up the browser console to see this:

More expanded view of error

Error occurred again with a very similar output in console.

I believe I’m having the same or a similar issue in Safari. The ‘Find’ starts glitching (stops finding matches) and I have to refresh the browser to get it to work again. I can’t reproduce it at the moment as I can’t reliably induce the issue but I’ll share a recording when it happens again.

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Following up on this thread. It looks like the search issue has been resolved. Thank you @stucork for getting this resolved!