[Fixed] Plotly loading treemap

So now I’m curious, stucork, did you get it running under the Beta Editor? If so, is there anyway I can reset my version of your Beta Editor to work same as yours does? I’ve tried switching back and forth but the Beta always gives gray goo display for exactly the same actual code. Only the legacy editor works. an this be addressed before the Beta becomes the only alternative?

Moved to bug reports for now for further discussion.
I’m not seeing the behaviour you describe.
I was running the clone in the beta editor without problems.

Can you describe what’s happening a little more:

  • what does grey goo mean?
  • do you have a specific version you can clone that reproduces it?
  • which browser and device?
  • do you see this if you switch to a private tab or a different browser?
  • Same behaviour when running the app “split view” vs “maximized” vs “new tab”

OMG you’re right in a way:

which browser and which device

Mac device, but get this: it (kind of) works in Beta Editor under Chrome! I had only been running it under Safari. I will report the other listed info shortly. It does look slight different from the Safari version, seems the chart is kind of squeezed or truncated, but it’s def NOT the blank gray pane that’s all that displays under Safari in Beta. Thank you!

TLDR: as long as I use the Classic Editor under either Safari or Chrome, seems I’ll be fine. With Beta Editor it degrades under Chrome and total wipeout under Safari.

(screen shots attached

Thanks for the details

This looks like a bug in the implementation for when the window is resized.
If you start maximized then it should look ok - but jumping between split view and maximized view isn’t changing the size of the plot - as you’d expect.

If you start in maximized (or in a new tab) by clicking the 3 dots in the run button it should behave like the old IDE:

Screenshot 2022-03-25 at 10.42.56

I’ve added it to our list - and we’ll fix the underlying behaviour so this won’t be an issue.


SUPER appreciate these fixes/advisories!!