[Fixed] New tutorial created every time I load the editor

Hi I’ve just made an anvil account yesterday and this looks really promising.

However I’m running into a pretty frustrating issue at the onset when trying to test out some projects.
Specifically, whenever I try to visit the anvil visual editor at Anvil | Login I end up getting redirected to a tutorial project.

That would be a bit annoying except it creates a new project each time. I can’t seem to control this behavior and I have unintentionally created some 8 or 9 tutorial projects by this point.

I did discover, however, this only happens on the “new editor” (which is no newer than the classic editor for me). I tried to test out the classic editor and this doesn’t seem to have the issue of creating a new tutorial each time I try to visit that page.

Thanks for reporting. We’ll get that fixed.

@nabilzaman1 this should now be fixed
let us know if you’re still experiencing issues


Brilliant, no more issue with duplicate tutorial projects.

Thanks for the quick fix, that was really impressive!