[Fixed] Error in new IDE accessing repeatingpanel template code

What I’m trying to do:
I have two forms similar one to another in logic.
Both are made up of:

  • some search filters and a datagrid showing search results
  • a blank form to be used as content in an anvil alert, as a ringle-record edit form

In the clone link, the first I coded was the chiamate set of main form, blank form and repeating panel template.
Then I created the indagini set by duplicating the first set and modifying appropriately (I think).
Everything was working and I was happily modifying the second set when, unexcpectedly…

…I try to access the code of the two repeatingpanels rt_chiamate and rt_indagini and…

What I’ve tried and what’s not working:
…the new IDE gives this error and an endless spinner and never shows the code:

 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'pyComponent')
    at https://anvil.works/runtime-new/runtime/dist/designer2.bundle.js?sha=c0cf912378c41fa63996:20:57010
    at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
    at b (https://anvil.works/runtime-new/runtime/dist/designer2.bundle.js?sha=c0cf912378c41fa63996:20:55238)
    at a (https://anvil.works/runtime-new/runtime/dist/designer2.bundle.js?sha=c0cf912378c41fa63996:20:55441)

If I switch to the classic IDE, the code shows up.
I don’t know how to fix things back.

Clone link:

Same here. Without changing anything to the code, it suddenly stopped working after the Anvil update, and the error message is the same as yours.

Hi @office2 and @a.ercolani

Could you break down the steps I need to take to reproduce this

  • clone this app
  • go to form x
  • click y
  • now do z
  • observe the error

(Moved to bug reports)

Yes I thought I already did.
Clone the app.
Open one of the two repeatingpanels templates rt_chiamate or rt_indagini
Click on Code view

Thanks and BR

Thanks for that, I tried the steps but there were no errors for me

Could you double check the steps again
(clone your own app to make sure it happens in a fresh app).
Any additional details will help.

Also try refreshing your current app, in case the IDE has found itself in a bad state

I’m out of office right now.
I double checked the clone app before posting the link and the errore was showing up.
However I’m going ti test It again as sono as I come back to office.
I’ll keep you posted.


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Same here. The error is :

  • TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'pyComponent') at https://anvil.works/runtime-new/runtime/dist/designer2.bundle.js?sha=d78dbb2c8e6199f72b76:28:6033 at Generator.next (<anonymous>) at b (https://anvil.works/runtime-new/runtime/dist/designer2.bundle.js?sha=d78dbb2c8e6199f72b76:28:4261) at a (https://anvil.works/runtime-new/runtime/dist/designer2.bundle.js?sha=d78dbb2c8e6199f72b76:28:4464)

Hi @stucork I’m back home today.
In this folder I’ve put 3 videos showing the error with edge after CTRL+F5, with chrome after CTRL+F5 and with chrome in anonymous mode.
I can’t upload the videos and converting to GIF makes them too big, so I’m trying with publicly accessible Google Drive links.

This is the folder link:

The videos links:

Thanks for helping

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Thanks @a.ercolani
Could you confirm:

  • does it happen in a fresh clone link (the videos seemed to be the existing app)?
  • is it on the master branch? (clone links always clone master branch)
  • does this happen in incognito mode (i.e. browser extensions turned off)?
  • which browser/os are you using?

Hello @stucork

  • yes it happens from a fresh clone link
  • yes I have only the master branch in the original app
  • yes it happens in incognito mode
  • I’m using Chrome (Version 119.0.6045.105 (Official Build) (64 bit) and also Version 119.0.6045.106 (Official Build) (64 bit)) and Edge (Version 119.0.2151.44 (Official Build) (64 bit))

To demonstrate alle the answers at once, new video showing the process from clone link on.

Thanks and BR


Apparently, I can access the code by right-clicking on the RowTemplate and then Edit in standalone tab…


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Hi @aisupertrade
thanks for stopping by.
I confirm this for me too.

Thanks again.

Hi there,

In one of my apps I am not able to open the code or design tabs for the template that I have within my main form. The designer is just showing spinning circle.

Is this some known bug or its something on my side preventing the display?

I just noticed there is a Designer Output tab that shows errors:

Hello @gp2
@stucork is on it, in the meanwhile you can try the suggestion of @aisupertrade that worked for me:

Apparently, I can access the code by right-clicking on the RowTemplate and then Edit in standalone tab…


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Thanks, the right click approach works fine!

Hi everyone,

Thanks for your patience here, and thanks especially to @a.ercolani for all of your help debugging the issue. None of us were able to reproduce it initially because it turned out to be a bad interaction between an internal feature flag and the release of the new designer, but I’m happy to say that it is now fixed.

Please let us know if you see any further issues!


I encountered the same problem. Unfortunately, I am not that savvy fixing the type of errors generated. Here’s the generated error when using the New Designer;

Can someone here give me a lead which part of the above error to fix? I did a right click but I could not generate a window to fix whatever I could tinker with.

As posted above, the form loads alright when using the Classic Designer.

Much thanks.

Thanks @koollucian.2012 for reporting
we’ll get that fixed

(edit: should now be fixed)

Thank you so much @stucork. The problem form now loads back correctly again using the New Designer. I hope it doesn’t come back. That almost scared the daylight out of me.

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