[FIXED] AttributeError: module 'plotly.graph_objs.layout' has no attribute 'Template'


I was checking the example of a Dashboard called Dashboard Stock made by Stuart. I get the error AttributeError: module ‘plotly.graph_objs.layout’ has no attribute ‘Template’ when I try to run it. I haven’t change anything, just tried to run the code .

Dashboard Stock

Does ploty library changed?

I don’t have an answer, but just for others’ reference, this is the source and I get the same error when trying to run it: Financial Dashboard: Stock Price

Thanks for reporting. We have updated plotly since that app so I’ll check it out and report back. (Moved to bug reports)

This update will go live soon.

For now you can go into the _plotly_themes module from the example and replace the first lines of that file with

ggplot2 = {}
seaborn = {}
simple_white = {}
plotly = {}
plotly_white = {}
plotly_dark = {}
presentation = {}
xgridoff= {}
ygridoff = {}
gridon = {}
none = {}
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Thank you, now it is running.

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