[FIXED] Apps Unusable - has there been any updates?

Has there been any changes to the Anvil code by any chance? We are currently experiencing huge issues with one of our apps that runs offline and have not released any significant changes recently

Hi Rick,

Can you be more specific? What sort of issues are you seeing?

On start up we see this
`TypeError: Cannot serialize an object of type ProxyList

I have tried rolling back a few weeks to see if it still persists and it does.

Seems like it is something out of our control

We’ve bumped the version of anvil-extras that was causing the issue


We have anvil-extras 2.4.0 set as our dependency, but have also been affected by this issue (a number of such errors throughout today). Can you elaborate a bit more on what exactly triggered this error? Because we pin versions exactly to avoid sudden failures due to breaking upgrades out of our control, this took us aback. Do we need to upgrade from 2.4.0 to 2.5.2 to stop this from happening?

Yes, you should bump the version to get the fix.
Assuming you’re getting the same deserialization error from anvil_extras.storage

Anvil-extras was using a type check rather than an isinstance check when deserializing objects from indexed-db.
The return type from javascript changed and this led to the errors

We’ve pushed the fix to 2.4.1 as a patch on 2.4.x
This way you don’t need to bump the minor version


4 posts were split to a new topic: Non-anvil_extras-related proxy object error, new today