Farewell from Eli

Hello Anvilistas, I have some news: I’m leaving Anvil, and am off to my next adventure.

It’s been a delight and a pleasure watching this tool and its users grow over the last two years, and in particular it’s been an absolute privilege to be part of this forum community. While my posts won’t have the coveted yellow background any more, I’m sure you’ll still find me hanging around.

I can’t yet say publicly where I’m off to yet (for boring bureaucracy reasons; I’m not joining GCHQ or anything), but if anyone wants to keep in touch you can find me on Twitter while it still exists!

(I’ll also be talking about Stitchify, my first ever proper Anvil app, at CamPUG on the 10th January; it would be lovely to see some forum denizens there!)



All the best @eli-anvil - great to meet you at PyCon UK this year (and hope to see you there again some time)!

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All the best to you!

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All the best @eli-anvil - thanks for all the patience, support, and care. Go give 'em hell!! :slight_smile:

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