Example Zip in the client browser using JavaScript inside Anvil

From the questions found here:

Here is a clone like to an example app:

Did I ever mention I dislike using javascript with the fire of ten thousand suns?

:fire: = :sunny: * (10^4)

Docs are in the app, it’s not that big.

Why it is useful:

  1. Trades cpu cycles / time for bandwidth.
  2. Uses the client browser to do the work so the server does not get slammed.
  3. Lets you keep large client files in storage without you having to do the work.
  4. Allows less transmission time for getting information from the server module / tables to the client browser, the inflation/decompression is orders of magnitude faster than the compression part, so you might have some large file/object already storred compressed you want the client browser to use, but the time and bandwidth of transmitting the large file / structure is slower than having the client decompress it on the other end.
  5. Compression is good for your health.

Really appreciate the example @ianbuywise :bangbang:

I think I found my new motto in life :rofl: