Do you support CircuitPython or Micropython for ESP32 from Espressif?
I only know of Rasberry Pi Pico W support, which does not utilize an ESP32, but an RP2040 instead.
However CircuitPython and Micropython both work on the RP2040.
It may be possible to build/compile your own firmware package targeting the ESP32 by using the updated TLS security work that @meredydd et al. contributed to to make it work on the Pico W, however you would probably really have to know what you are doing.
If you get it to work, please share!
Shure we can try to implement it on our own.
But i recommend you take it on your list.
We prefare ESP32 instead of Rasperry chips.
Thank you for support.
This would be awesome. We are using ESP32 with Anvil APIs and would be great to have a better way to connect and use these with Anvil.
It got it to work on an ESP32 by just uploading the source files for the pico w .uf2 onto it. I had to make a few changes (machine.Pin doesn’t have a toggle() method so led.value(not bool(led.value())) has to do.) aswell as changing the import names for the anvil package.
ESP32 Devkit v1 with Mircopython v1.20.0
Welcome to the forum @Jackphilipson42 , if you have another few minutes, (re)posting this in the “Show and Tell” category as a new topic would probably help out a few people, many have been asking for this.