Error using Data Files on free plan

What I’m trying to do:
Follow the data files quickstart on free plan
What I’ve tried and what’s not working:
I have successfully uploaded a data file but then if I try to read it in server code I am getting an error:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_thread'
Some libraries are only available for paid users. Click for details 
at /lib/lib-python/3/
called from /lib/lib_pypy/
called from /lib/lib-python/3/sqlite3/
called from /lib/lib-python/3/sqlite3/
called from /libanvil/anvil/files/
called from ServerModule1, line 1

Also get a message suggesting that this library is not available on the free plan.

I could not see anything in the documentation to suggest that Data Files require a paid plan, unless I am missing something??



Even though I am on the paid plan, I just started a new app and did nothing but:
…switch a server module to the ‘free’ basic runtime python and did

import sqlite3

and received the same error:

So I guess if the new beta Data Files requires sqlite3, then you would not be able to use it from a basic server module that comes with the free plan.

Since it is still in beta, I have no idea if they plan on changing either the requirement to not include sqlite3, or if they plan on making some workaround so free users can also use it either with or without sqlite access.

sqlite3 as of the newest release of python is still “batteries included” in the standard libraries of regular python, so I would think you should still be able to access the new Data Files service using anvil-uplink.
(assuming you would be running regular python on the system you are running uplink on, also you might need up update uplink to the newest version, since Data Files is new)

Thanks for raising - we’ll look into this - moved to bug reports