Editor.js integration

Have you tried to integrate Editor.js with Anvil?

It would be very interesting to see how Editor.js could be integrated with Anvil.

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I thought the editor was really cool and I think it is used in a management tool I love to use (clickup).

So I want to use it in my tools!

A lot of wasted breath to say , here is a quick and dirty integration :slight_smile:

live example:




updated the link to have a get_state and set_state property to get the current state of the editor and set the state of the editor. :slight_smile:

p.s. I love anvil and how easy it makes things.


This is incredible! Yoink.


This is great. Thanks @anthonys

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It’s really good - I just wish I had a use for it!

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Can I ask a really, really dumb question…

If I write something super in this, using it as a component on a page, how do I save what was written to an anvil datatable??

Not a dumb question at all! (Preface with I’m on a mobile device so this might be ugly)

You can use get_state to request a json object from the editor that you can then save in a database. You can then pull that from your database and use the set_state to set your editor to that saved state.

Much obliged, I’m looking at about three different apps and it came to yours and my brain said “wants it, but gone Anvil blind”. Just needed a prompt!

In case there’s anyone else like me who doesn’t really do JS - and I am pretty (100%) sure this will be wrong, but it works and this forum is for drilling out bad habits!!

To get this to do the thing I wanted it to do, I had to (by trial and error):

  1. Edit the script to include an empty save function at the top:
function save() {
  // Do nothing
  1. in the Editor form_show, just leave it empty:
def form_show(self, **event_args):
  1. Use the Editor form as a Component.

  2. Add the component to a start form and add button_1 as a “save” button

  3. Add imports at the top of your start form:

from ..Editor import Editor
import time
  1. Add these two functions to the start form:
def form_show(self, **event_args):
    self.editorjs = Editor()

  def button_1_click(self, **event_args):
    self.editorjs = Editor()
    state = self.editorjs.get_state()
  1. Run your app, observe the lack of error, and type “This is a test” then click “save” and enjoy your console (which means you have a simple object to save and return):

{'time': 1679771132835, 'blocks': [{'id': 'CQp6PJwVL5', 'type': 'paragraph', 'data': {'text': 'This is a test'}}], 'version': '2.26.5'}


Do none of these clearly wrong things and get the following error every time the app runs:

ExternalError: TypeError: editor.save is not a function

Beyond me, to be honest, but it’s doing the thing I want.

Totally open to being shown how to do this properly, and at least I won’t have to ask silly questions again!

I am not entirely sure how you are using the cloned link.

I think your are attempting to create your app in the cloned app, but the cloned app should be used as a dependency.

Then you can import the Editor from the EditorJS package and add it as a component:

from EditorJS.Editor import Editor

class Form1(Form1Template):
  def __init__(self, **properties):
    # Set Form properties and Data Bindings.
    # Any code you write here will run before the form opens.
    self.editor = Editor()

Here is an example of how I would used the component link above. there is also an example of using get_state and set_state. You shouldn’t have to write any more JS unless you’re trying to update the component and add more capability.

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See, I knew there was a better way. Makes perfect sense.

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