Discrepancy between "Form1" and "ItemTemplate1"

I’m watching a video by Clever Programmer from his Python course called “Profitable Programmer”.

In video #33, he creates a basic form, then clicks into the “ItemTemplate1” below “Form1”, and all of the additions from the former appear in the “Design” display of the latter.

When I do the same, the “Design” display of “ItemTemplate1” is empty (just says “Create components here…”), although the “Code” display shows a few lines of prepopulated code.

A few other things have changed in Anvil since he recorded this tutorial (apparently in 2018).

What am I missing?

Hi @aghope_anvil1, it would be great that you could give a link to the video so a solution can be proposed for you. Thanks

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hi @aghope_anvil1 and welcome to the forum,

I don’t know this youtuber and I don’t know what his content is like.
But a quick browse and I’m not sure I want to… edit - wrong youtuber :man_facepalming: see later post


I’d recommend going through the anvil tutorials instead
or use the free course from talkPython

that said we can certainly help with your problem but i’m not sure I fully understand.

Do you have a screenshot maybe of what you see and what you expect?

Hi Tony,

I figured it out while I was waiting for my forum account to be approved. I made a video just in case someone else needs help (could have been covered in one of the tutorials I skipped lol)

Is it possible to embed the video instead of just linking?

I literally loled…that’s not the same guy, and I can’t even see how they’re related except for one key similarity, hence the giggles

“Clever Programmer” is Rafeh Qazi. Should I fear him too :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hi @aghope_anvil1, which courses have you been studying? I really want to learn more about anvil. Thanks

This one

I started it after finishing the Python course on Codecademy

Thanks, I guess anvil is mentioned in week 3

haha i went down the youtube rabbit hole… this was the video that initally caught my eye and then one video led to the next you know… :man_facepalming:

and you gotta get nervous when someone charges $1997 for an online coursehttps://youtu.be/TypPhd9nM9I?t=268

I share your skepticism of these sorts of marketing tactics. But the simple fact that they persist seems to suggest they’re converting sales.

I’ve watched through a few of his YouTube videos and the first three weeks of the Python course. I have the impression that he’s a competent programmer, decent teacher and very heavily prioritizes his marketing.

I don’t blame him for finding ways other than corporate jobs to monetize his skills. Given he seems to have consulted with pro marketers to gloss up these intro level courses, I would assume he would be smart enough to take a different approach were he to target experienced devs for an advanced level product (though from what I’m gathering, that demographic wouldn’t usually be in the market for this kind of online course anyway…)

I’m a novice interested in improving my skills so I can take on freelance coding work as a secondary stream of income. Do you have any suggestions for content (videos, training sites, books?, etc…) that can help me sharpen my skills and/or learn to become a strong candidate for that kind of gig work?

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good points! And I think that’s one of the conclusion the video draws… You gotta market yourself in today’s game or fall behind!

And what’s awesome is that anvil is featured in that course!

I wonder for how long it’s been a part of that course… if it’s a recent addition no doubt we’ll get a few more questions relating to the course content… given his popularity on youtube.

Thanks for sharing the video to your solution - I’m sure it will be helpful for others!

A post was split to a new topic: Forms vs components