Datepicker - Locale - Modify Bootstrap within an Anvil App

I am receiving a lot of feedback about the datepicker week beginning on a Sunday. My users are in the UK and want to see the first day of the week on a Monday.

I’ve checked with the Anvil guys and I understand that it is possible to modify the datepicker locally within a specific Anvil app using Javascript.

Having done a bit of Googling, I’ve found the relevant change to the JS:

locale:  moment.locale('en', {
    week: { dow: 1 }


I am unsure on:
A) Where to put/how to call the JS to allow it to overwrite the Anvil set datepicker setup; and
B) How to find the ID of the datepicker element (to replace '#myid').

Any help would be much appreciated.

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This seems to work

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
    moment.updateLocale("en", {
        week: { dow: 1 },


You can also do something similar by calling a function:


class Form1(Form1Template):

function updateMondays() {
    moment.updateLocale("en", {
        week: { dow: 1 },
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Thanks @stucork,

I’ve tried your suggested javascript in the head, body and a separate custom html form.
None of them worked.

Where did you place the javascript?

I put it in native libraries.

On the phone right now but can share a clone later.

I’ve amended the code above and added a clone - I had a few versions and must have copied the wrong one!


Thanks @stucork


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