October 20, 2022, 4:50am
Hello dear Forummers,
What I’m trying to do:
I am trying to translate Date picker Form from English to local languages
I want to put Monday first for Weekdays - now is shown Sunday as first day of the week
What I’ve tried and what’s not working:
I changed system settings of my computer and browser - it is working
Thank you in advance for help !
Anvil’s datepicker uses a javascript package called moment
to handle the dates
To make the first day of the week Monday you can do the following:
from anvil.js.window import moment
moment.updateLocale("en", { "week": {
"dow": 1, # First day of week is Monday
I can’t guarantee that this will always be the case, so you might want to wrap this in a try except block.
Re changing the to local language this post may be helpful:
There were a few gotchas I found when trying to do the obvious thing, but here’s a code snippet that will allow you to add German as the default locale to anvil’s datepicker
from anvil.js.window import moment, document
script = document.createElement('script')
script.src = ""
# We need to add the locale after anvil has loaded moment
# I used moment's predefined locale
# you can also set a custom locale w…
But, moment needs to know the target language and have access to the locale file for that target language.
You also might find this custom component helpful since it uses the native browser datetime input, which will likely be localized:
October 20, 2022, 5:26am
Thank you Stu
I put this code to the Form code
from anvil.js.window import moment
moment.updateLocale(“en”, { “week”: {
“dow”: 1, # First day of week is Monday
but no any changes
May be I must put it to another place?
The best place is probably a startup form or startup module at the top of the file:
October 20, 2022, 5:34am
Monday is done by putting on Start Page !
thank you very much !
but in localization I see there is link
How and where to create the link like this for another language?
You can see the locale files here: moment CDN by jsDelivr - A CDN for npm and GitHub
Choose your preferred language
I would probably adjust the code in the post above
In native libraries you can put the following script tag in:
<!-- Adjust the extension to your preferred language -->
<script src="" defer></script>
making sure to add the defer
Then in the python module you can do
from anvil.js.window import moment
locale = moment.locale('de') # change 'de' to your preferred language
You may find you don’t need the code to change it to Monday - it depends on the locale.
October 20, 2022, 6:10am
Great !
I just put on Start-ups Form only this code replaced with required local lang:
from anvil.js.window import moment, document
script = document.createElement(‘script’)
script.src = “ ”
locale = moment.locale(‘de’)
And it is working great immediately !
Thank you very much Stu !