Thanks @joinlook for the help!
Could you please help me in getting same thing but in code?
I do not know how to set row template for header after disabling the auto-header.
Thanks for the help! I used DataGridJson multiple times and I tried to go through the code but could not get that part. I need to add checkbox beside each header name but not sure how to do it (it should be done in code as well). I would really appreciate if you can help me in that. Thanks!
I had a quick look at the source code, and I think that this little summary includes all the steps.
The DataGridJson custom component starts with a form containing a DataGrid. The DataGrid contains one DataRowPanel above the usual RepeatingPanel.
The DataRowPanel is the container for the links that will act as clickable headers. It is pinned, so it will be visible also on page 2 and the following pages:
The code sets its style and disables the automatic header (otherwise you get both the automatic and the pinned header):
The DataGrid will contain one more row than requested so the RepeatingPanel shows the requested number of rows, because the first one is taken by the pinned header row:
@joinlook I like the idea of using datarowpanel. However, when you go to the next page in the datagrid using page controls at the bottom, datarowpanel disappears from the datagrid (see screenshots). I am curious if you noticed it before and have any thoughts to address this?
Hi @magorshunov
This topic hasn’t been updated in over 2 years. You should post a new thread with your question instead of reopening something that was probably done and closed two years ago.