I am not able to depend from the development version of an app.
I have tried the following steps, including a few variations at step 5 where I did or did not publish master, but the result is that the dependent app is always executing the master branch.
Create the dependency:
Create a new Material Design app and name it App1
Delete Form1
Add a module
Delete all the code in Module1 and type print('master')
Right click on the master branch and click on Publish master branch
Right click on the master branch, click on Create branch here... and create the dev branch
Change print('master') into print('dev')
Create the dependent:
Create another app
Add the dependency to the Published version of App1
Add import App1.Module1 to the code of Form1
Run → the console shows master
Change the dependency version from Published to Development
I have other older apps that allow me to depend from the published or the development version correctly, but I’m not able to create two new apps with a process similar to the one described above and depend on the development.
The dependency referred to as Development is always the branch named master.
The dependency referred to as Published is always the branch named published unless there is no branch named published in which case it’s also master.
I think that explains why the dev branch isn’t doing anything here?
This behaviour is inherited from how anvil did dependencies in the classic editor. For different behaviour you’ll probably want to make a feature request.