I’ve been thinking about integrating testing into anvil and the headache of local + online development was driving me crazy. So, I started thinking, could I just make a simple test suite in anvil?
With a couple hours of playing around I’ve got:
- Basic pytest test naming convention and assert based tests
- Automatic collection and running of tests
- Testing can be started from server console REPL (or any Anvil way)
- Dependency app
for running tests
Test directory
Automatic test discovery works with nested testing directory so you can organize your tests. Tests are expected to be in one importable directory. There is no need to import the anvil_testing
dependency for the tests. It is only required at test time.
Server Code
|-- module_a
|-- package
| |-- module_b
|-- tests
| |-- module_a
| |-- package/
| |-- module_b
Test Naming
Anything starting with an _
in the name is ignored, ie. private and dunder methods.
Packages and modules can be named anything.
Functions are marked as a test by the prefix test_
Classes are marked as a test class with the prefix Test
Class methods for marked as a test the prefix test_
def test_positive():
result = module_a.calculate()
assert result > 0, f"Should always be positive {result}"
# this is not seen as a test.
def setup():
return "something important"
from ..package import module_b
class DummyTable:
def __init__(self, data):
def get(self, key):
return data.get(key, None)
def test_result(self):
# not seen as part of test pacakge since
# class name does not start with `Test`
(do something related to the table)
class TestSuite:
def test_a(self):
assert self.table.get('a') is None
def test_b(self):
assert False, 'Test not implemented'
def setup(self):
self.table = DummyTable({})
Running Tests
Tests are then run from the server REPL by importing the apps tests package then running it with anvil_testing
from . import tests
import anvil_testing
results = anvil_testing.auto.run(tests, quiet=False)
Here is an example test report:
== Anvil Testing ==
Found 3 tests
Pass: module_a::test_positive
Pass: package/module_b::TestSuite::test_a
> Fail: package/module_b::TestSuite::test_b - Test not implemented
2/3 passed
1 failed tests
Of course, we can run testing many other ways.
How about making tests an http_endpoint?
Just browse to your /_/api/test
page and refresh whenever you want to run tests.
import anvil.server
def run_tests():
from . import tests
import anvil_testing
test_results = anvil_testing.auto.run(tests, quiet=False)
return anvil.server.HttpResponse(status=200, body=test_results)
- Do other people have a painless way to integrate testing that I’ve missed?
- Does the additional code from tests slow down server startup?
- How much client side testing can be achieved from server side?
- Being so simple, does this actually provide enough testing power?
Clone and Code
While I love being able to clone an app…
anvil_testingIt is also pretty nice to just look at the code, wouldn’t want to slow anyone down from pointing out something dumb I’ve done:
import inspect as _inspect
FN_PREFIX = "test_"
def _find_tests(parent):
"""recursivly find all functions/methods within the module that start with the test prefix"""
found_tests = list()
for name in dir(parent):
if not name.startswith("_"):
obj = getattr(parent, name)
# Delve into modules in the same path, don't stray into imports.
if _inspect.ismodule(obj) and obj.__name__.startswith(parent.__name__):
# Extract test methods from classes
elif _inspect.isclass(obj) and name.startswith(CLS_PREFIX):
# grab test methods
# since parent is not an instance of the class obj is not seen as a method and rather, a function.
elif (
and _inspect.isfunction(obj)
and name.startswith(FN_PREFIX)
# create a new class instance for each test method to isolate the tests
class_instance = parent()
found_tests.append(getattr(class_instance, name))
# grab test functions
elif _inspect.isfunction(obj) and name.startswith(FN_PREFIX):
return found_tests
def _format_test_name(fn, test_module_name="tests"):
"""Get a descriptive name of the function that explains where it lives"""
module = fn.__module__.split(f"{test_module_name}.")[-1]
return f"{module}.{fn.__qualname__.replace('.', ':')}"
def run(test_package, quiet=True):
log = list()
log.append("== Anvil Testing ==")
found_tests = _find_tests(test_package)
n_tests = len(found_tests)
log.append(f"Found {n_tests} tests\n")
passed = 0
failed = 0
for test in found_tests:
test_name = _format_test_name(test, "tests")
# Run the test
passed += 1
if not quiet:
log.append(f" Pass: {test_name}")
# capture the assertion error from our test
except AssertionError as e:
log.append(f"> Fail: {test_name} - {e}")
failed += 1
# Summary info
log.append(f"\n{passed}/{n_tests} passed")
log.append(f"{failed} failed tests")
# I found this more reliable for printing to the console.
# Otherwise, printing as I went the lines would stack, get out of order, etc.
test_results = "\n".join(log)
return test_results