Join us on the 29th of October at 4pm GMT (midday EDT) when we’ll be building an Anvil app, live on YouTube - then improving it based on your feedback and questions.
In this stream, we will take a Jupyter notebook that classifies iris flowers, and put a web front end on it so anyone can use it, using the Anvil Uplink.
How can I get involved?
Simply tune in! It will be an interactive coding lesson and we’d love you to join the stream and ask questions while we code.
Can you show us <feature X> ?
Sure! Post your question or request to this thread and we’ll try to cover it - either this time or in a subsequent live-stream!
This is your chance to request a live tutorial on any Anvil topic! Some examples:
Can you show us how to build something with an external API?
Can you build something that uses input validation to check the user’s input?
Can you show us how to integrate a Javascript library?
Can you show us how to have multiple roles for <Component X> ?
I’ll also be answering questions live on the stream.
Looks like the tech demo gods have grown displeased with me!
Sincere apologies for the lag and tech issues I had during the live stream. I’m going to re-record the lesson straight to video and post it here for everyone to use.
Thank you to everyone who joined me and stuck with the stream.
I’ve re-recorded the live stream this morning. This version includes both the main section, connecting a Jupyter notebook to an Anvil app, and a second section in which I explore improving the Anvil app by adding images, app notifications, data tables, user management and a data grid.
I hope it’s useful for everyone.
Thanks again to everyone who came to yesterdays stream, I’m going to learn from the technical problems and make improvements for the next one.