How to use a lookup (Link) column does not depend on the size of the table it is pointing to. The value in a column points to one, or to a limited number of rows. Because each link points directly to a row, retrieving the row will be about the same speed no matter how big or small the table it resides in.
No. Not the way I use my Data Tables. In my app, no one has to transfer large numbers of records from place to place to get things done. In my app:
- Records (table rows) are created on the Server, and stay there, for weeks, months, or years, as needed.
- When a User asks to see some of their records, the Server fetches only those specific rows from the database, and sends them to the Client. The table might have 10,000 rows, but if only 5 are needed, only 5 are found and copied.
You’re assuming a lot of details; a particular pattern of use. Can you tell us more about it?
- “uploaded” from where?
- To where?
- “at the beginning” of what?
(Sorry about the “upload/to/from” questions, but I often see and hear “upload” and “download” confused for each other.)