Anvil Editor slow to load when lots of assets

What I’m trying to do:
I have an Anvil app that takes 15+ seconds to load (sometimes longer) because I have about 15mb of assets uploaded (gifs and pngs).

I have deleted the assets and reloaded the app, which took 2-3 seconds. So I was able to isolate the slow load issue to the assets.

The assets do not seem to affect the performance of my actual app. Just the editor.

Can anything be done here? I’m open to suggestions on alternative places to host my images/gifs.

A post was split to a new topic: IDE is slow when opening a file with lots of code

You could store your assets in a cloud storage service and just point your image to their public urls.

I use firbase storage, but there are plenty of options and great free tiers as well, so it shouldn’t cost you with that amount of data.

I would also test your production app with a fresh cache, it could be that the images are cached, so you’re not noticing the effects after the first load.

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I put all images in a data table.

I might also suggest Imagekit or cloudinary. They have generous free plans, automatically optimise images and also allow you to make edits to them.

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Went with supabase storage for now!