Another Muuri Drag & Drop

Hello Anvil Community!

I was heavily inspired by marks Drag and Drop. My real goal was to understand the component provided by @mark.breuss, but I ended up creating my own version. I just needed a few tweaks to get exactly what I needed for my application.

I used anvils custom html components and slots to replicate an example on the muuri website.

It took alot of debugging and head banging, but I think I created a template that is relatively simple to use.

It consist of a Board component that can be initialized with a list of columns to generate a Kanban board, like so:

from ._anvil_designer import FormTemplate
from anvil import *

from ..ItemForm import ItemForm

from ...Kanban.Board import Board

class Form(FormTemplate):
  def __init__(self, **properties):
    # Set Form properties and Data Bindings.

    # Any code you write here will run before the form opens.
    data = [
      {'header':"column 1",'background':'','items':[ItemForm('test 1'),ItemForm('test 2')]},
      {'header':"column 2",'background':'blue','items':[ItemForm('test 3'),ItemForm('test 6')]},
      {'header':"column 3",'background':'green','items':[ItemForm('test 4'),ItemForm('test 5')]},
      {'header':Label(text="column 4",align="center",foreground='black'),'background':'yellow','items':[ItemForm('test 42'),ItemForm('test 10')]}
    self.board = Board(data)

  def handle_change(self,**event_args):
    column_name = event_args['column']
    item = event_args['item']
    muuri_item = event_args['muuri']
    Notification(f"Item moved to {column_name}").show()
    item.label_1.visible = column_name in ["column 1","column 3"]
    # You must refresh the grid cache to get the new dimensions
    # when you alter the size of an item by calling 'refreshItems'. 
    # Then you can update the table layout  by calling 'layout'

That will yield the following:


the data element should be a map of the following:

column : The column name
background : Should be the color of the column header (still working on this)
items: List of Components ( These can be any component you want to be dragged between columns).

the x-items-changed event is fired on release of a dragged item.

The feature I was originally looking to create was being able to change an item’s appearance based on that column it was dragged into.

Its a newborn baby and I will definitely be adding to it, but I feel like it is in a spot where I can share it with the community.


I still need to make it a component.

I will be adding footers.

I will be changing the event arguments when an item is dragged and dropped.

This is a “development” project.

Github Repo:

lewysigns/anvil_muuri: Muuri - Built with Anvil (


Thanks, this looks great! Are you thinking of putting it on GitHub?

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I’m definitely open to it , if that makes it more accessible ! :slight_smile:

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Great Work! :muscle:

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Adding the GitHub link to the initial post! Thanks for the nudge :slight_smile:

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Wow: awesome addition:
I’m working on a app that has a Kaban type interface: eventually this might make it unecessary to use the anvil interface with trello (although, for right now, that is what my project is using… )

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Excellent - thank you.

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