Hey, hi!
Just showing off a project I’d thrown together for a college assignment. Basically, we were to recreate the complete functionality of this Flask site built by our web development lecturer. We were to build it from scratch learning how their site worked by constant testing and observing the different failure criteria, etc that popped up to replicate it page by page.
Nothing impressive looks-wise (Not unlike yours truly), but it was an exercise in learning a lot of Anvil basics and some extra bits such as a log and Top10 feature to show player attempts and a top 10 times leaderboard, respectively. To nail those, I’d implemented a slapdash attempt of hash URL routing and got something I’m really happy to show off working.
Some parts are roughly done such as the URL hash routing implementation and aspects of passing information to and from the server code. Unfortunately there are also limitations of the text dictionary I had used so more modern phrases just don’t register as valid attempts. I’m considering down the line working making this a bit more robust and maybe using the Oxford dictionary API along with some better visual presentation.
I’d be so appreciative of any feedback people could offer when checking out the clone link: https://anvil.works/build#clone:ZKQQNK6DKV3PVUFL=H6V4P2YROLIBC2YRR7SWWDZH
But otherwise have a crack at it and let me know what you think!