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Making the Tableau Extension API easier to use

Trexjacket is a library that aims to simplify creation of Tableau Extensions with Anvil X. Although Anvil X offers access to the full Tableau Extensions API provided by Tableau, these APIs can sometimes feel daunting. Trexjacket was developed to fill that gap, by providing a simplified Python API to the most common operations when building a Tableau Extension.

Adding trexjacket to your app

Add trexjacket to your app as a third-party dependency, using the token 4WJSBYGUAK63RAJO.

Learn more about trexjacket

Learn more about the trexjacket library, including documentation and tutorials, at the

Trexjacket is an open-source project developed by Baker Tilly, our official services partner for Anvil X. Check it out on GitHub:

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