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Billing and Metering

Anvil X is an add-on for the Anvil platform. Like Tableau itself, Anvil X is billed by the number of users who view your extensions. You can try Anvil X for free with up to 10 Tableau viewers, including on Anvil’s Free plan. Use of Tableau Desktop is not counted against your viewer limit.

In order to support more than 10 viewers, you will need to subscribe to Anvil’s Business Plan or higher.

If you are a manager of your Anvil subscription, you can see how many Tableau viewers are included in your current subscription if you open the Anvil X service page or My Account dialog.

Managing your viewers

When a new user opens an Anvil X extension in Tableau, they will be automatically added to the list of viewers for your Anvil subscription. If there is no space on that list of viewers – that is, if all your slots are full – new viewers will not be able to use Anvil X extensions from your organisation.

If you are a manager of your Anvil subscription, and open the Anvil X configuration tab, you will see the current list of viewers. If a viewer has signed in with the Users Service, then you can see email address that identifies them. You can remove viewers from the list to free up slots for other users.

Tableau Desktop

Use of Tableau Desktop for authoring extensions does not use up a slot on your organisation’s list of viewers.

Purchasing new viewers

If you pay for your Anvil subscription by card, you can add extra Tableau viewers to your Anvil subscription from or from the My Account dialog. If you pay by invoice, contact

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