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Quickstart: Making PDFs

Build your UI visually and render it as a PDF

Anvil has built-in support for creating PDFs.

Follow this quickstart to create your visual design with drag-and-drop, accept user inputs and then render them in PDF format.

Create an app

Log in to Anvil and click ‘New Blank App’. Choose the Material Design theme.

Location of the Create App button

Location of the Create App button

Add components

You will see your app in the centre of the screen. On the right is the Toolbox, which contains components to drag-and-drop.

Drop a TextBox TextBox icon, FileLoader FileLoader icon and Button Button icon into the page.

App in the Design View with a TextBox, FileLoader and Button in it

App in the Design View with a TextBox, FileLoader and Button in it

Change component properties

Select the Button you just added to the page. In the Object Palette floating above the Button, click the icon to change the Button’s text from ‘button_1’ to ‘Print’. You can also edit the text from the Properties Panel on the right.

Changing the text of a Button using the Properties Panel

Select the Button you just added to the page. Below the Toolbox, there is the Properties Panel, where you can modify the text on the Button.

Change it from ‘button_1’ to ‘Print’.

Changing the text of a Button using the Properties Panel

Add another Form

In the App Browser, click the + next to ‘Client Code’, choose ‘Add Form’, then select ‘Standard Page’. You’ll now have a second Form called ‘Form2’.

Adding a new Form using the App Browser

In the App Browser, click the ‘+ Add Form’ next to ‘Client Code’,then select ‘Standard Page’. You’ll now have a second Form called ‘Form2’.

Adding a new Form using the App Browser

Design your PDF

Drop a Label Label icon and Image Image icon into the page. Form2 will be the template for our PDF. We’ll display a greeting in the Label and an Image uploaded by the user.

App in the Design View with a Label and Image in it

App in the Design View with a Label and Image in it

Write some Python

Go to Code View of Form2. This is Python that runs in the browser.

Switching to Code View of Form2

Switching to Code View of Form2

Edit the definition of the __init__ function to accept a name and image. It now looks like this:

  def __init__(self, name, img, **properties):
	# ... rest of code as before ...

We want to display a greeting in self.label_1, and an image in self.image_1. Edit our Form2’s __init__ method as follows:

    # Any code you write here will run before the form opens.
    self.label_1.text = f"Hello, {name}!"
    self.image_1.source = img    

Add a Server Module

In the App Browser, click the + next to Server Code, then ‘Add Server Module’ to add a new Server Module.

Adding a Server Module in the App Browser

You will see a code editor with a yellow background. This is a server-side Python environment for your app.

Python code with a yellow background

In the App Browser, click the ‘+ Add Server Module’ to add a new Server Module.

Adding a Server Module in the App Browser

You will see a code editor with an orange background. This is a server-side Python environment for your app.

Python code with a yellow background

Write a server function

Add this line to the top of your Server Module:

import anvil.pdf

Write this function into the Server Module:

def create_pdf(name, img):
  # Create a pdf from 'Form2', and pass in 'name' and 'img' as its constructors
  pdf = anvil.pdf.render_form("Form2", name, img)
  return pdf

Make your function client-callable

Above your create_pdf function, add @anvil.server.callable. The function now looks like this:

def create_pdf(name, img):
  pdf = anvil.pdf.render_form("Form2", name, img)
  return pdf

That makes the create_pdf function callable from the client side.

Set up an event handler

Under Forms in the App Browser, select Form1, then select the ‘Print’ Button. In the Object Palette floating above the Button, click on click event. This will create a function that will run when a user clicks the Button.

Configuring a click event handler for a Button using the Properties Panel

Configuring a click event handler for a Button using the Properties Panel

Write some more Python

You will be taken to the Code View. The button_1_click method runs when the Button is clicked.

Replace the pass with this code:

    pdf ='create_pdf', self.text_box_1.text, self.file_loader_1.file)

Run your app

Now click the ‘Run’ button at the top of the screen.

You’ll see your app running. Enter your name in the TextBox, then click the ‘upload’ button - you will get a file selection dialog.

A running app with a FileLoader, showing a Mac OS file selection dialog

A running app with a FileLoader, showing a Mac OS file selection dialog

Choose an image to upload, then click the ‘Print’ button.

Your app will pop up a dialog for you to download your completed PDF!

Completed pdf

Copy the example app

Click on the button below to clone a finished version of this app into your account.

Next up

Want more depth on this subject?

Read more about Creating PDF Files to see what else you can do with PDFs.

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Every quickstart is on the Quickstarts page.

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