If you have a Wordpress site, and your users have accounts on that site, it’s possible to log them in seamlessly to your Anvil app (using the Wordpress OAuth plugin and an HTTP endpoint).
We’d like to develop a demo (or reusable library) for doing this sometime, if there’s demand for it. Use that “Like” button if this is something you want
I know this is an old, old topic, but I think this would be beneficial for anyone that wants to use something like WooCommerce or a Wordpress membership plugin + Stripe as their frontend to charge customers to use an Anvil web app. Using Wordpress means you don’t have to recreate the payment management “wheel” in Anvil (not just charging for payment, but also dealing with refunds, chargebacks, upgrading, downgrading, canceling, prorating payment, etc.).
What Wordpress OAuth plugin would you recommend? How would you create the HTTP endpoint for an Anvil app to access? I found two OAuth server plugins: “WP OAuth Server” and “Wordpress OAuth Server” by miniOrange. I would suspect both of these would achieve the same result of using your Wordpress users to authenticate/login to an Anvil app.
Any demo or suggestions you have to seamlessly log Wordpress users in to Anvil would be greatly appreciated!
I would actually pay to make this happen.
I’ve been working on a business built on top of wordpress.
First, php is a real mindtrip and I can’t make heads or tails of it which has been making it harder for me to get things done.
I turned to the myriad of UI plugins out there but…they’re really not quite as flexible as I would need them to be and due to my aforementioned lack of talent with PHP, I’ve found myself often running in circles to get some basic stuff done.
I am at the point where I’m starting to integrate / embed an Anvil app into my wordpress site. Being able to offer a seamless experience…well, again, something I would pay for.