What's everyone building?

Code Name: Spider Pig - A prototype version of a “Text Boxes Over Data” application to manage inventory of radiology garments. (Lead vests, Aprons, skirts, etc.) It includes Role specific access for Admin users (can view all garments of all customers), and Customer users that can only access their own department’s garments. Each garment includes some number of images for the most recent time they were scanned via an X-Ray scanner (for quality control to ensure the lead lining is still viable), and a number of comments. Includes integration with an on-prem machine to integrate the local X-Ray and RFID devices to anvil.works cloud platform. (App is proprietary, I can’t share a link :frowning: )

I’ve also ported a version of my Jeopardy Slack bot that I had written and deployed to Heroku: https://anvil.works/build#clone:OGYFBNKOEJX3FE4F=NOKEMBY2X2GQGC62KYBLDNDA


My question is, does it do whatever a spider pig does?


I’m a bit late to the game but I wanted to add what I’m working on as well. Right now just descriptions but I hope to be able to do deeper walkthroughs of these apps in the coming months.

School Registration App
This was much easier to build than I thought. Students in our program sign up for their classes and log in via their G Suite accounts. A script checks for prerequisites based on a CSV file that is loaded from our student grade system. If the student meets the prerequisites they are enrolled in the course via an API call to our Moodle installation. Total time to build: less than 8 hours.

Mongolian Stock Exchange Analysis App
This is still in a work in progress, but the idea is to show technical and traditional financial analysis of publicly listed companies in Mongolia. Nearly half of the country has a stock exchange account, and there is a definite lack of concrete information in the market.

Speech Recognition Training Data Crowdsourcing
We are about to go live with this app. It allows users to validate transcripts of Mongolian audio or provide their own transcripts of Mongolian audio. The basic app has been enhanced with error handling (for example only allowing Mongolian Cyrillic text as input), a full user page complete with balance, profile, and account history. Thanks to Anvil for a template that I used to create the custom login. I will also be adding scripts that will run occasionally to verify users are accurately completing tasks and identifying users that may be attempting to game the system.

Air Pollution Monitoring Dashboard
Air pollution is a huge problem in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia. The air pollution is mostly caused by the burning of coal in home stoves for heat and cooking. Recent changes to the law have banned the use of raw coal and require the use of enhanced coal that is supposed to be cleaner burning. There is much debate about whether pollution is actually reducing, and I’m currently working on building a visual dashboard that will make this clear. It’s a tricky problem to tackle, as it is difficult to compare day by day as weather has a huge impact on pollution.

I’m just getting started with Anvil, but I’m blown away by how fast it is to develop with. Can’t wait to see how Anvil improved in the future.



I’m new here and would love to share what I’ve first built with Anvil.

Daily Devotion App
It’s like a personal diary upon reflecting or meditating on the Word of God. It should have a free Bible. And the capability to write and save thoughts about the scripture being read. Users will have their own public profile like Facebook with timeline of their reflections. And could have a reflection feed as well to read others thoughts that may spark encouragement and inspiration. Could be a freemium app in the future.

I’m also amazed with how we can easily make something using Anvil! More power and God bless!




Thanks everyone for sharing, it’s so great to see all your amazing projects :grin: :partying_face: :tada:


I want to bump this conversation up and get it started again.

We’d still love to know how you’re using Anvil and what you’re building with it? It doesn’t matter how small (or large!) the project is, we want to hear about it!

Share a link to something you’ve built, or tell us your plans! If you have anything you can share that might help or inspire others, then please do.

Even if I’ve already given it a plug in show and tell?!!

Sure, plug away! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well, aside from working on various apps for paying clients (that are subject to NDAs), I’ve been putting together an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) for Anvil apps.

The idea is to simplify basic CRUD operations to such an extent that there should be no need to write any server side code - the ORM will handle it all.

Instead, you write simple classes and create data tables with structures to match. The ORM then takes care of writing rows to those tables when you want to Create new or Update existing objects, Reads the rows and creates objects from them when you want to fetch back individual objects or sets of them and Deletes rows when you’re finished with an object.

It’s available at https://github.com/meatballs/anvil-orm and I’ve started work on some documentation at https://anvil-orm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ (but that’s very lacking at the moment and the library does much more than the documentation describes just yet).

I should also add that the time to develop this has been, in part, paid for by two of my clients whilst working on their apps: Nanovare and Osmosis Investment Management


I also have one in my head that will make it into actual code at some point…

I’d like to implement a pub/sub model with a Publisher class that has ‘publish’ and ‘subscribe’ methods.

Any form could then publish messages (probably to a 'channel ’ on the Publisher) and could also subscribe to those channels with a handler for processing the incoming messages.

Messages would have content that could be any object - simple strings, events, whatever. The subscription handlers in each form would choose what’s of interest and how to react.

In my head, I’m also thinking of making Publisher a portable class so a copy could reside on the server, probably in the session. The client side could then poll its server side sibling for messages at regular intervals and publish them to subscribers.

Possibly just the messages would be portable and the publishers separate. Not sure yet.

Still thinking this one through…



I have created 2 personal apps to make my side hustles easier to manage .

Turo Web App - I created a dashboard to gather all my cars information in one form using selenium and the uplink services. I also can manage my vehicles options and pricing from my web app.

Stock trading I am working on building a auto trading bot linking to my TD Ameritrade account using the TD api. I am currently able to place market orders and fetch stock prices every 15 sec.


:paw_prints: Simpaw

:paw_prints: Animal simulator site/game

Still a heavy work in progress but I’m hoping to get done soon

Project Updates At:

It’s a cool idea, but when I sign up I get a syntax error

Sorry about that I’ll look into it
@viggobryantfrost should be fixed now

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Loved the projects!!! Are you able to share a version of Credit accumulation and Attendance application ?

Would love to try hands on, referring these apps as tutorial

Just tested the ability to send text messages from our Schools Lunch Order App using Twilio! In our next release, students will be able “opt in” if they want a warning text before the lunch orders are locked for the day!


Working on a suggestion app that allows supervisors and coordinators to vote and approve each suggestion, recommending implementation of the field.

Still need some tips on the best approach for the approval flow if anyone has done something like that before

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Anvil Extras v2.2

A post was merged into an existing topic: Anvil Extras v2.2

I made a CalcuDoku solver. It can be used to solve it yourself, or let the computer do this for you.

Can be used on a mobile as well. Link: https://calcudoku.anvil.app/
