Webhook function doesn't work

What I’m trying to do:
I’m gonna integrate Vonage API into my Anvil application and get phone calls in my app. For this, I made a webhook function in server.
What I’ve tried and what’s not working:
I found that webhook doesn’t work. So I tried with postman. I sent a GET request to {my_app_url}/vonage/answer. But it returned with 404 error.

Code Sample:

def handle_incoming_call(contact):
  print("===== server contact ==========")
  print("===== server contact end ==========")

My Problem:
Simply webhook function doesn’t work.
Please help me.

Thank you

Hi, Community members.
Sorry for the confusion.
I forgot to add /_/api at the end of my website url.
It returns results successfully.

But I can’t see prints in Anvil IDE.
Is it normal or weird?

Where are you checking the prints? They won’t show up on the console for running app. You will have to check your App Logs


Thank you, @divyeshlakhotia

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