Very slow app starting since today

We experience very slow app starting since today - it takes 30-40 secs - Does anyone else experience that,
@anvil-team: can you have a look at it please.


I just started experiencing the same issue in the past 60 minutes or so.

I’m having endless issues at the moment.
Background tasks that ran beautifully for months are now all failing with either out of memory or exiting unexpectedly errors.
I’ve upgraded to a higher plan now and the tasks aren’t failing as frequently but the time it takes for them to run is significantly longer.
I’ve mailed the Anvil support team but as yet no response.

I haven’t got any response either.
Again, dear Anvil-Team have a look at it - maybe any recent changes are causing that. We need to now to get back to customers.
Cheers A

Hello @Aaron,

Thanks for raising this.

We aren’t seeing anything out of the ordinary on your dedicated server. Are you still seeing a problem? If so, what exactly is slow? Is it apps loading in the browser? All server calls? Or specific server calls?

Hi Ryan,

  1. when we start our app there is quite a time lag, we have a module called start_up and within the first lines we have a timestamp.
    Here we get 8sec (sometimes more)
  2. to work through the whole start_up it takes 60sec, we are loading the base_template, use routing, and generate necessary list of dicts on the server (mainly with sql-selects).
    I know it is hard for you to check that out - but before we got that done under 30sec.
    Maybe there is something you could do to speed us up.

Hi @Aaron,

We’re not aware of anything we’ve changed lately that would be affecting performance like this. Having taken a brief look at your app, there’s quite a lot in that start-up sequence, so what we’d suggest would be to add some more print()s in and narrow down where those 60 seconds are coming from. Is it on the server, the client, the DB, etc?

Just a guess but it could be due to an increase in your app tables size? Maybe one of your database query isn’t “optimised enough”. It can be hard to notice such issues initially when you start with less data.

If your tasks involve calls to app_tables, maybe add print statements to see where it is taking time?