UPDATED: stripe.checkout.get_token(raw=True) fails to display

The following client-side function call just seems to stop dead at the point of call.

token, user_info = stripe.checkout.get_token( 
    title='DARMA(tm) by InjAnnuity, Inc.',
    description='DARMA(tm) 30-day Voucher',
print(token)  # never reaches this point

No error message, no apparent exception, but no pop-up, either. I’m surely missing something. This seemed to work earlier, before we actually connected this app to Anvil’s Stripe service.

UPDATE: There is no pop-up with raw=True. But if I comment it out, or pass raw=False, then the popup does appear.

Hi @p.colbert,

To use Stripe’s Python API, you need to enter your Publishable Keys into Anvil’s Stripe configuration page:

That should be all you need to get the popup to appear!

Thanks for the clarification. I had my keys mixed up!

For future reference, Stripe very clearly documents the kinds of keys it gives you, how they are to be used, and how you can benefit from them, here.