Unsure the right way to include custom libraries and third party dependencies with Anvil Runtime

What I’m trying to do:
I have an existing python project with several related modules and third party python dependencies like OpenAI and Google Cloud SDKs.

I’m looking to integrate an Anvil app into the project and let the server-side python code leverage these existing python modules.

I am using the Anvil Runtime to manually manage deploying and hosting the app and that seems to work fine on its own (using the anvil docker image).

However I’m a little unclear on how to make these modules visible from within the anvil app.

What I’ve tried and what’s not working:

I’ve done some searching and tried to replicate some of the documented process in anvil-runtime/doc/dependencies.md at master · anvil-works/anvil-runtime · GitHub however this (and everything else I find online) seems to really focus on how to get anvil apps to depend on each other, and how to declare third party dependencies from the online editor.

I’m more looking to include modules from an existing python project that I have locally and get that to be visible to the anvil runtime.

I can at the very least install the existing projects requirements in the python environment before I invoke the anvil runtime.

Code Sample:

/My Project
from my_module2 import MyClass

foo = MyClass()

I am thinking that if I need to declare each dependency separately, as the pattern seems to be in the docs, it probably makes sense to include my whole project as a single module and instead be able to do

from my_project.my_module2 import MyClass


Anyway, suggestions appreciated, but I would like control over the dependency management outside of the visual editor.