Good Afternoon!
I’m happy to announce that we are giving back to the anvil community by building an Anvil Firebase Integration.
If you want to build live synced, lightning fast apps without even the need for a server call, or javascript code, this will get you started.
Thanks @meredydd for helping with the third party dependency by the way!
Happy to hear what you guys are building with it.
Klick here for up to date documentation
Attention V0 is not Production Ready and in an Alpha Stage - expect breaking changes!
Dependency Link 
Copy this Third Party dependency token into your Dependencies.
Live Example
Clone Link for the Live Example: (You need to paste your firestore config credentials to the function init_firebase at line 29 in order for it to work.)
Initialize App📱
Call this function to initialize your Firebase App
If you don’t have a firebase project click this video for more information:
Getting started with Firebase for the web - Firebase Fundamentals
from firebase.firebase_client import initialize_app
project_config = {
'apiKey': "",
'authDomain': "",
'projectId': "",
'storageBucket': "",
'messagingSenderId': "",
'appId': "",
'measurementId': ""
initialize_app(project_config )
Firebase Auth
Import the Authentication Package
from firebase.firebase_client import authentication
Sign up
Sign up a user with simple email password login
Sign in Email & Password
Log In a user with simple email password login
Sign in Token
You can also use the build in anvil user and securing your database by utitlizing the custom token login.
#you currently need to implement this one yourself
fs_token ='fs_server_get_auth_token')
Get User
The following example shows how to retrieve the contents of a single document.
fire_user = authentication.get_user()
The following example shows how to retrieve the contents of a single document.
Firestore Database🔥
Import the Firestore Package
from firebase.firebase_client import firestore as fs
Set a document
Add data to Cloud Firestore | Firebase
This sets and overrides a single document in the collection
doc_ref = fs.doc(fs.db,'test_collection','some_uid')
ret = fs.set_doc(doc_ref,{'key':'some_value','last_update'})
Add a document
This adds a new document to the collection (with an autogenerated uid)
collection = fs.collection(fs.db,'test_collection')
Update a document
The following example shows how to retrieve the contents of a single document.
doc_ref = fs.doc(fs.db,'test_collection','some_uid')
Get a document
Get data with Cloud Firestore | Firebase
doc_ref = fs.doc(fs.db,'test_collection','some_uid')
doc_uid,doc_data = fs.get_doc(doc_ref)
Get multiple documents
Perform simple and compound queries in Cloud Firestore | Firebase
test_collection = fs.collection(fs.db,'test_collection')
q = fs.query(test_collection,[fs.where('key','==','some_value'),fs.where('key2','==','value2')])
documents = fs.get_docs(q)
Listen for realtime updates
Perform simple and compound queries in Cloud Firestore | Firebase
def listener_changed(self,docs):
'''This is a callback function that is called when data changes'''
Notification('new data arrived',timeout=5).show
def set_listener():
'''This sets a listener on a specific part of the collection'''
test_collection = fs.collection(fs.db,'test_collection')
q = fs.query(test_collection,fs.where('key','==','some_value'))
listener = fs.listen_to_docs(q,listener_changed)()
Batch Writes
Transactions and batched writes | Firestore | Firebase
batch = fs.write_batch()
doc_ref1 = fs.doc(fs.db,'test_collection','uid1')
doc_ref2 = fs.doc(fs.db,'test_collection','uid2')
Transactions and batched writes | Firestore | Firebase
doc_ref1 = fs.doc(fs.db,'test_collection','uid1')
doc_ref2 = fs.doc(fs.db,'test_collection','uid2')
#read from doc 1
doc1 = transaction.get(doc_ref1)
#write to doc 2
transaction.update(doc_ref2, { 'new_value': 1234 })
Transactions and batched writes | Firestore | Firebase
doc_ref1 = fs.doc(fs.db,'test_collection','uid1')
doc_ref2 = fs.doc(fs.db,'test_collection','uid2')
#read from doc 1
doc1 = transaction.get(doc_ref1)
#write to doc 2
transaction.update(doc_ref2, { 'new_value': 1234 })
Import the Storage Package
from firebase.firebase_client import storage
Upload Media
Upload files with Cloud Storage on Web | Firebase Storage
#1. get any anvil blob media image
file = anvil.URLMedia("")
#2. define a storage path
ref = storage.ref('images/test1.png')
#3. upload file
Download Media URL
ref = storage.ref('images/test1.png')
url = storage.get_download_url(ref)
#use this url as source of an anvil image component for example
from firebase.firebase_client import analytics