This Database (Default Database) does not match your app schema

I am creating multiple tables in my app under default database:

Please check attached image.

And if I resolve it, my tables get deleted or changes. I lose my data.

Can anybody please help?

Is there any restriction on number of tables or schema in free plan?

Thanks in anticipation !!!
Kedar Kabra

Instead of clicking “Resolve…” click “Veiw app schema…” on the top ribbon. Then you can decide if the schema is correct , or the application (The changes you made).

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When I click it. It says changes will be made to my table.
I am worried if I proceed my data will be lost.

It’ll only remove data if you’re removing the column, in my experience.

But if you want to be extra cautious, you could download the data in as a csv for a temporary back up.

I think the same. But wanted to crosscheck.
yeah downloaded. Will give it a try in free time.

Thanks a lot…

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