The tables, google and facebook modules are moving!

From today, if you’re creating new apps, forms or modules, you’ll notice that the imports at the top of your app have changed. We’re moving some top-level modules (tables, google and facebook) into the anvil.* heirarchy, to avoid conflicts with other libraries that use these module names.

Here’s what the new imports might look like (depending on which services you have enabled):

import anvil.tables as tables
from anvil.tables import app_tables

Your existing code will keep working. The top-level tables, google and facebook modules are still there, as aliases for anvil.tables,, etc. We’ll announce any plans to move them. (We’ll probably move them in the Uplink soon, as that’s where we’ve seen those conflicts start to bite, but that won’t impact existing users until they upgrade the anvil-uplink package.)

But if you’ve wondered what’s going on - well, now you know :slight_smile: