Tabulator - overriding styles

For those who are interested - I finally discovered how to modify Tabultator formatting in the CSS of Anvil - so you can do things like BOLD the text in your tabulator or make other nuance changes like font sizing.

In your theme.css file (under Assets in your Code section of the App) scroll down to the /*Text boxes and areas */ section and add:

.tabulator, .tabulator .tabulator-header, .tabulator .tabulator-header .tabulator-col, .tabulator-row {
background-color: red;
font-weight: bold !important;
font-size: 18px !important;

this will successfully BOLD and 18x pt your Fonts in tabulator. NOTE that the background color will FAIL because I didn’t use !important (which over-rides all other styles applied to the Tabulator).

Yes this may not be perfect - but given that I found no solutions offered here in the FORUM - I thought I would post this since… IT WORKS :slight_smile:

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