
Thank you!

My alternative (backup implementation) also laments Skulpt (but for a different reason - LoL):

        import locale
        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8')

        [ ... snip ... ]

            self._numeric_answer = float(locale.atof(self._numeric_answer))
        except Exception as e:
            return False, f'Validation Exception:\n\n  >> {e}'
        return True,str()

Emitted in the browser at Run-Time:

NotImplementedImportError: locale is not yet implemented in Skulpt

I only need locale so float() doesn’t complain about commas when trying to convert. But this is for a strictly U.S. use-case, so I can cheat (with a TODO note) and just remove the commas. :slight_smile:

Is there a page listing what Python packages / modules are supported in Skulpt? This way I know not to try something. I did a quick search, but nothing immediately pops up.

EDIT: @stucork Per your below suggestion, I submitted the request here.