SQL Select for users rows

In our app users are connected to one or more organisations and an organisation can have many users.
How do I code the SQL select correctly to get all organisations of one specific user?
What I have tried (didn’t work): ```
SELECT * FROM organisation WHERE %s = ANY(user) ORDER BY org_updated DESC;", (user_id[1],))

f""" SELECT * FROM organisation WHERE user = '{user_id[1]}' """

This is assuming user is the column name, organisation is the name of the data table and user_id[1] is some string which can be expected in the user column.

Thanks for your reply.
That works well if the field user is only one user.
In our case it is linking to many users (= users rowS) - that is why I used ANY(user)

Can you say more about your data model?

  • What are the relevant column names?
  • Are you using linked rows?
  • Is every row in the organization table linked to a bunch of user rows?
  • In what way is your query not working (error, data not right, etc.)

Hi Yahia,

the organisation table has a column user which contains linked users rows.
Neeecos solutions results in an empty list.

my solution throws an error

cur.execute(f"SELECT reports.* FROM reports WHERE ‘{user_id[1]}’ = ANY(users) ORDER BY reports.updated DESC;")

WrongObjectType: op ANY/ALL (array) requires array on right side LINE 1: SELECT reports.* FROM reports WHERE ‘475251394’ = ANY(users) …

It looks like the users column is a jsonb column containing a list of data structures rather than a list of simple user ids.

You could start a long conversation with chatgpt showing what a reports row looks like and trying to figure out a complex query that does the job you need. I started, I saw a little light, but not enough to give you an answer.

Or you could do what I do when I plan to use SQL more than Anvil queries, which is don’t use linked rows. Instead of using linked rows, I use a simple object column containing a list of user ids, which is much easier to use in queries like the one you are looking for.

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Thanks Stefano,
I started as well with chatgpt - got 2 insights from it: 1. it does know ANVIL quite well, 2. not so well to be of help.
Tried 12 solutions nothing worked.
I can not believe that I am the first one who is running into that problem.
@meredydd: I am sure you have a solution - please let us know.

I wouldn’t even mention that you are working with Anvil.

I have created a simple app, did a select * from users and a select * from reports to see what was in there.

Then I asked this to chatgpt (I’m pasting it here without even rereading it) and got something working out of it:

i have a postgresql database with two tables: users and reports.
users has an _id column containing numbers as primary keys.
reports has the jsonb users column containing a list like this, where the user ids are 1147978440 and 1147978441:

[{"id": "[790289,1147978440]", "mac": "23aa55b2dbdd0e1f112d080fcf9c8f484f75a14627a7621c03466d34ae7c86d4", "backend": "anvil.tables.Row", "methods": ["__anvil_iter_page__", "__getitem__", "update", "get_id", "__setitem__", "delete", "set"], "permissions": []}, {"id": "[790289,1147978441]", "mac": "aa6f48212b305e4f2b3ece53a2da8b746d2acc395ff00fcd39e234812551032e", "backend": "anvil.tables.Row", "methods": ["__anvil_iter_page__", "__getitem__", "update", "get_id", "__setitem__", "delete", "set"], "permissions": []}]

create a query that joins the two tables and finds all the users that have the id included in that jsonb structure

This wasn’t what you were looking for. It was just a way to explore and see how chatgpt would approach the problem. The result was way more complex than I expected, but it was kind of working.

As I mentioned earlier, I imagine this would be a long chat (I’m sure for those who know postgres better than me would be shorter).