Spice up your credit card entry forms

good people of the anvil forum, here is an interactive credit card entry form for you to use in your projects. I found it here, packaged it into an anvil app, and gave an example of how to generate a token when you use your own form like this instead of the default stripe checkout form.


Was talking with some friends today about how payment entry is a bounce-sensitive step. What do you think:

  • Designs like this improve conversion
  • Designs like this hurt conversion
  • No real effect

0 voters

either way, still fun


Very nice looking!
Don’t use CC payments yet, but when I do I’ll give this a go.

Is this unsafe/untrustworthy for the credit card number being sent to the server in plain text which is where the token is generated?

The token created on the front end form with stripe.checkout can’t run on the server and stripe.Token… which I used to generate token for anvil.stripe.add_customer can’t run on front end forms.

Well, it’s sent over ssl/tls from the browser to the server.

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