Hi Anvil Fam,
I recently was reminded that I’ve been here for one awesome year. How befitting that I’ve just completed a project I’d like to share with my fellow builders. It’s called speakeasi and you can find it here.
You’ll discover engaging games and activities designed to enhance your public speaking skills. While I’m still in the process of adding a few features, I would appreciate your feedback before sharing it with a wider audience.
An earlier version had the hash routing navigation from anvil extras but it broke an essential logic in my code so I had to ditch that. I’ve also gone with a simple design and a simple onboarding process.
Thanks in advance.
Awesome job!
- Nice custom login screen with a background image
- Perhaps some context around the 3 activities and what they are before I click on them or start them for the first time (AnchorLabs, SpeechEazi, WordBudz). For example, there is a tooltip on the AnchorLabs page but it wasn’t prominent. A “beginners tutorial” on first login would help here just from a product perspective
- SpeechEazi - Am I supposed to prepare a speech for 2 minutes then start recording it? The countdowns are not clear as to what stage of the process I’m in
- Wordbudz - am I supposed to speak into the app (I had my mic disabled)?
What exactly happened with the hash routing? Maybe the forum can help if that’s something you’re interested in resolving.
Mighty thanks for the feedback. I’ve incorporated some into the app already.
Each activity had a tooltip but I might have placed them erratically. Now, the first time you play, you are redirected to the directions page for each activity instead, to get a sense of what to do.
For wordbudz, yes, you are supposed to speak into the app. The app will print out the word you mentioned.
For the hashrouting, the primary issue was with the nav bar. Because of the way I constructed the app from the start, the stats button on it makes the calculation based on what activity you’re on.
Again, many thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.